Dentron Super Tuner Manual

I bought a Dentron (model <something> jr.) antenna tuner for $30.00 US.

  1. This is going to be a very basic question. I have a Dentron Super Tuner plus that I have never used, and do not have a manual. I have found the manuals for the regular Super Tuner and Jr however. The operation is very basic, but here is my question. All other tuners, including Dentron that I have seen are clearly marked on the back coax.
  2. Dentron AT-1K Tuner Manual copy. Dentron Super Tuner Manual Reproduction. Dentron W2 Wattmeter Manual Copy.

at a hamfest. Did I pay too much?

U078 Dentron Super Tuner $99.95 SOLD HF Amateur Tuner The Dentron Super Tuner heavy duty tuner is for the HF bands. The rear panel has inputs for wire or coax. 08/04 U835 Dentron CM-U $39.95 SOLD Bandpass Filter for Amp The Dentron CM-U is a tuned input device for ham amps which do not include a tuned input stage. The tuner, matchbox or transmatch as it is sometimes called, will not correct the actual SWR condition on the feed line OR antenna, but it will resonate the antenna system as a whole that the radio 'sees' on it's output and allows the transmitter to deliver as much power to the antenna system as possible within the design parameters of the tuner.

I was going to use it with a heath HW100, -- now I know I also need
an swr meter. oops, here comes yet another purchase. Nevertheless,
I would gratefully pay cost + postage + thank-you-very-very-much for
the photocoppied manual.

Other than that, I would like to just get a quick overview on how to
get up and running with the thing. It has one meter, and two knobs:
(and no instructions):


#1 transmitter match a,b,c,d,e,f... switch.
#2 antenna match variable.

The back has tx in, ant out, ballenced out, and unballenced out.

any help greatly appreciated. If you have the manual, please contact me


Dan Drumm

Wishing you an extra hour each day!

Copyright © 2002-2019 by Harold Melton, KV5R. All Rights Reserved. Rev. 02/19/19.

Entry: Feed-Throughs and Lightening Arrestors

How to make your own spark-gap shunt (“lightning impulse arrestor”), waterproof ladder-line feed-through, and quick-disconnect for (hopefully) improved lightning safety, using common hardware. Or, how to possibly avoid the “billion-amp arc in the shack” scenario.

Disclaimer: All disclaimers apply. No guarantees. I am not an engineer nor expert in the field of lightening protection. I assume absolutely no liability for your use of this material. These ideas have not been tested. Use at your own risk! The actual effectiveness of these measures cannot be quantified. Lightning is dangerous, destructive, deadly, and unpredictable, due to rapid release of incredible power, and extremely wide range of variability.

My HF antenna is a 160 meter dipole, fed with 14-gauge windowed ladder-line. This arrangement should make a nice lightning collector, so I took special precautions on the entry path of the ladder-line.

Dentron Super Tuner

In figure 1, notice the PVC standoff (one of two), made of half-inch PVC, about six inches long, attached to the trailer with aluminum angle. The ladder-line proceeds down to the arc-shunt assembly, which is mounted directly on the ground rod. It then proceeds up to brass feed-through assemblies (Fig. 2). Once inside, it plugs into the tuner with banana jacks (Fig. 3), for quick disconnection.

Dentron Super Tuner Schematic

The ladder-line is kept separate from all the other cables, which enter via a 1½-inch PVC nipple and coupling (inside) through the floor. The coupling is packed with paper towels (and a little boric acid powder) to keep out bugs. The arrangement provides a good seal that can be easily removed and replaced to allow passage of PL-259s intact.

2018 Update

In the spring of 2018 I went QRO, and put up a heavy-duty 80-meter doublet, fed with 4-inch open-line. I made three different entrances: (1) Wires through tubings through the wall; (2) twin coaxes through the wall; and finally, balun outside and coax through a bulkhead fitting in the wall. All worked well, but I like the last one best, for several reasons.

Please see 80-Meter Doublet in the 2018 section. Lots of pictures!


Ladder Line Page 3 — Ladder Line Page 5

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