Neopets Types

Welcome! The Daily Neopets is a Neopets fan site that is devoted to providing you with the best Neopets help, articles, tips, and more. We pride ourselves on our large selection of content: Neopets cheats, dailies, in-depth plot solutions, game guides, articles, unreleased news, and more!

More Sections:TDN Graphics, Items Database, Neopets Avatar Solutions, Avatar Lending Program

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Happy Moehog Day!May 14 at 11:40 pm NST by hrtbrk •10 comments

There are two main types of codestones: regular codestones and red codestones. The 10 regular codestones are as follows: Bri Codestone, Eo Codestone, Har Codestone, Lu Codestone, Main Codestone, Mau Codestone, Orn Codestone, Tai-Kai Codestone, Vo Codestone, and Zei Codestone. The six red codestones are as follows: Cui Codestone, Kew Codestone, Mag. Gameplay overview. Neopets TCG is a two-player game, where each player has a play deck of at least 40 cards and a separate deck of at least 10 Basic Neopets. Most deck-building articles suggest a limit of 2-3 species for the Basic Neopets, along with a minimum of 20 Item and/or Equipment cards (essentially half of the deck). Neopets come in many different species, andeach species has its own characteristics. For instance, each one may have different special colours or food preferences. Each species has a special day on the calendar when new Neopian items related may come out, and pets of that species may get special treats. 1 All Neopets 2 Petpets 3 All Petpetpets 4 External Links Even petpets can have their own. Neopets Spotlights & Contests Leather handmade, leather notebook, leather carving passport wallet, leather wallet.

Neopets Types


Neopets Beta: 0.4.6 Release NotesMay 13 at 2:32 am NST by hrtbrk •13 comments

It has been a while since our last Beta update and it appears to have been worth the wait. Check out these new and/or updated features to the Beta theme including an all new Create-A-Pet, Quest pages, a functioning search feature, brand new site theme and more!

  • New and Mobile Friendly Create-A-Pet page.
  • Site search now works on Mobile Beta.
  • An all new Community Central.
  • Beta theme added to Quests (Kitchen, Illusen Glade, Jhudora Buff, Snow Faerie and Brain Tree) .
  • AAA's Revenge, Armada, Neopian Adventure Generator, Vending Machine added to Games Room.
  • New Tyrannian Victory Day Beta Site theme.
  • And various bug fixes, which you can read here.

The next update should bring us the Altador Cup and HMTL5 versions of the world maps.

Altador Cup Prize Shop Closing May 13May 7 at 12:43 am NST by hrtbrk •3 comments

The Altador Cup prize shop will be closing in prep of this years Cup, so make sure to use any unredeemed points in the both the Cup and Staff Tournament prize shops before they close on May 13th!

Happy Hissi Day!May 4 at 9:35 pm NST by hrtbrk •7 comments


Happy Lupe Day!May 4 at 3:21 am NST by hrtbrk •9 comments


Welcome to May!May 1 at 10:41 am NST by hrtbrk •9 comments

TDN welcomes you to the month of May!

Links:Home|Battlepedia|Customisation|Items Database|NeoAvatars|Forums

This month, we have these events:

  • Lupe Dayon May 2nd
  • Hissi Dayon May 4th
  • Tyrannian Victory Day!!!on May 12th
  • Moehog Dayon May 14th
  • Koi Dayon May 25th
  • Yurble Dayon May 28th
Happy Cybunny Day!April 27 at 9:26 pm NST by hrtbrk •4 comments


Neopets Font Types

Happy Kougra Day!April 22 at 10:36 pm NST by hrtbrk •4 comments


Neopets types
NC Mall: Spring Cleaning Gift Box Mystery Cap Sale!April 22 at 10:34 pm NST by hrtbrk •3 comments

It's time for the annual NC Mall Spring Cleaning Sale! Five retired Gift Box Mystery Capsules from Y22 will be returning to the NC Mall this weekend for a super sale.

These Gift Box Mystery Capsules will all be available for 50% off on April 24th and 25% off on April 25!

Festival of Neggs Prize Update!April 22 at 10:31 pm NST by hrtbrk •3 comments

As there was an issue with the Rare Cyber Negg not rewarding the proper Health Points when consumed, a 2.0 version has been released. Head back toKari's Campsite to claim the Rare Cyber Negg 2.0! The Rare Cyber Negg will still increase Defence points by 1-3.

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Neopets Types Of Cheese

The Snowager
Next sleep in 0h, 7m, 15s.
Next Possible Wake
May 22: 9 AM/PM NST
May 23: 2 AM/PM NST
May 24: 7 OR 8 AM/PM NST
May 25: 12 OR 1 AM/PM NST

Neopets Types Of Cheeses

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Neopets Types Of Jelly

The Spring Thaw Winning entry for 'Brilliant Bruces'!
Click here to enter the next round!

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